Time keeps moving on

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....going out in Geneva, The Allman Brothers concert, tarot cards, so many nights just hanging out at the house, election night cupcakes, decorating the Christmas tree together, people thinking we're dating, trip to Philly for New Years, trip to DC in March, more nights hanging out at the house,blue light and cards, failed cooking attempts, her baptism, a fail of a 4th, her 21st birthday, another awesome trip to Philly, out at lux the other night....

These are the things that made the past year, the things that I'm going to miss when one of my best friends moves to DC this weekend.  I'm so excited for Liz (and jealous)-she's going off to start an awesome new life in an amazing city.  

It's interesting, because the past year has basically been the same for the two of us-we both kind of slowed down and took the year off to re-evaluate.  And, similarly, we both find ourselves about to embark in new directions.  Hers is obviously more drastic; she's moving to a completely new city, starting at a new school.  I'm staying here in Rochester in my cozy little apartment with Drew, but I am starting grad school for my MBA, and also throwing myself into my fledgling career (hey, I worked 9 hrs and 45 minutes today).

This weekend in DC will be perfect, my other best friend (and Liz's sister) will be there too...we'll have some J. Roget and celebrate new beginnings.  Can't think of better people to do it with.
